We can’t quite even believe that the summer is already over, as much as October is trying to stay vaguely warm for our sakes… Where did it go?! Our last post was about cleaning week 1 back in June, and whew, we have been flat out since.
So what did the summer have in stall for Redfern Property? Plenty of cleaning that is for sure, we stagger our contract start dates between June and July so that we avoid getting swamped with cleaning and maintenance – this year nearly all of our houses needed cleaning and we had 2 major cleans on top. We’re not sure how it compares to last year, we had some perfect houses handed back last year but a few more major cleans. Overall, we felt very happy with the condition left this year, and we feel that’s down to our open discussions with our student tenants, emailing in advance of the tenancy end and offering “pre move out” inspections for their benefit.
Unfortunately we did have a rather large hiccup with our “all bills in” utility company Glide, that meant we couldn’t move as quickly as we wanted to on ending tenancies in full. This is now all sorted, and we’ve all learned some lessons for next summer!
What now? Well, almost as soon as you finish, you start up again! We’re already getting housing enquiries from some very keen students for 2019/2020, but we won’t be releasing our housing list for at least a week or two. We’ve got some great new properties on the list for this year, having worked with some great new landlords over the summer. We’re really excited for one house in particular which will be undergoing a very exciting renovation!