We can hardly believe it’s that time of year AGAIN where we release our housing list for the next academic year. Every year it seems to catch up with us really quickly, as we realise yet another year has just flown by.

So we’ll be releasing our student housing list at the start of November this year, first on our website and then across our social media platforms too.

Obviously, it’s all very different this year as well. While we are in the office working, it’s all about keeping in person meetings to a minimum as possible, which of course throws up a few issues when it comes to viewings naturally. Because of the restrictions, we’ve decided that video viewings will have to be the way forward, to keep our community as safe as possible.

We’ll be asking all current tenants who won’t be staying on for the next academic year to video the houses so we can share these with anyone asking for viewings. Unfortunately, we can’t see another safe way around this, given that we’re not able to mix more than 2 households. Hopefully, our potential tenants will understand this. If you have any questions about our Covid-19 procedures or viewings/applications for 2021/2022, just get in touch. We’re always happy to help.