Inventory Services

We pride ourselves on creating a detailed and accurate inventory, which we provide for a range of our landlords during the beginning of a new tenancy. Using the same system we can also create inspection reports and a check out report for the same property. By using Redfern Property to carry out these inspections and inventories, it means a non-biased opinion on the condition of your property.

The cost of completing an inventory is £105.00 (per property, 10 mile radius of Aberystwyth), which includes a paper copy for the tenants to sign and also a digital copy for yourself as a landlord/agent. For much larger houses (larger than 6 bedrooms) please contact us for a specific quote.

Download our example PDF here.

What do our inventories include?

The inventory is for the tenant and landlord, therefore as a property management service we remain non-biased when creating them. Our inventories include:

Time and date stamped photographs. We use a dedicated service to create our inventories, so we can’t tamper with time and date stamps.
Full content report including utility meters, keys, smoke alarms & CO detectors, safety and cleanliness
Tenant and assessor declaration
General property information, including furnished status, property type & style, location of utility meters and stopcock etc.
Detailed photographs of each room, this can either include just the room or also specific items if the property is furnished. We can also comment on any damage and cleanliness issues as well, room/furniture specific.