We can definitely feel it in the air, and if you look closely, you’ll see daffodils starting to grow, snowdrops sprouting up… spring is definitely on the way and we couldn’t be more excited! Inevitably as spring arrives, we often start to think about home improvements. We’re coming out of our winter hibernation and starting to think about what we need to do over these warmer, and drier months to our house. We’ve got some easy, and simple ways you can prepare your home for spring.

Enjoying the garden – now is a great time to start preparing your garden for its bountiful months. Prune any bushes and trees, plant those spring and summer flowers and bulbs, and do a general tidy up. It’s a great time of year to do this, you can easily see what grows where, as it’s all died back, and it means when the time comes in a few weeks, you can concentrate on planting and sowing rather than tidying!

While we’re outside, now is also a great time to make sure the gutters are clear. You may have done them in the autumn, but with the warmer winter we had, many trees didn’t drop their leaves until much later than usual. Plus, we know that spring here in Aberystwyth probably means a lot of rain, so making sure those gutters are working will save you from a larger headache down the road.

If you’re anything like me, you hibernate over the winter and probably don’t even realise how horrid the windows are – but with the longer days coming, and more sun, it’s likely we’ll throw the curtains open more. So, get those windows cleaned! Another great job with spring on the way.

A spring clean inside your house does the soul a lot of good too. We think it’s something to do with that warmer breeze and longer daylight hours – it just makes you want to give the house a deep clean and make it feel fresh and tidy for the summer. A deep clean can be a big task though, so why not spread it over a few weeks and tackle room by room, or even, cupboard by cupboard?

Our final thought for preparing your home for spring is to get that paint brush out! Perhaps your hallway needs a freshen up, or you want to add a splash of colour onto a wall in one of the rooms? Check out the latest colours trends, but our top tip would be any light blues and greens never look old too fast. You could also paint outside too – perhaps a new coat on the shed or garage, or those wooden planters.