We know as a business that we have to be constantly looking at new ways of improving how we run, which is why we joined up with Fixflo earlier in the year for our online maintenance reporting.
We’re really excited to now also be working with Goodlord for our tenancies – not only to streamline our office admin so we can get out there and market properties, but also so that our potential tenants can enjoy signing up for a house easily, from the comfort of their own home.
So what benefits are there for you as a potential tenant?
- It’s all done online (24/7) – no booking appointments to visit us in the office, taking time off work to sign contracts or fill in application forms.
- You’ll get a copy of the Tenancy Agreement straight away, as well as a gas certificate for the property (if applicable), EPC (this has to be supplied by law) and if you’re a student, the Endsleigh contents insurance cover specifics.
- Referencing is carried out by Goodlord – quick and easy, no resending letters or lost post!
- Sign agreements digitally and keep a digital copy of the signed agreement! This means we won’t need to send all tenants a scanned copy of the agreement, or haul a group of students in to sign. It’s easy. Easy peasy.
Benefits for us and our landlords?
- No more envelopes, paper, ink and stamps – in fact, we’d like to be as environmentally friendly as possible, so being able to offer tenancies online is amazing.
- All contracts are emailed out to landlords for signing too, as well as including handy tenant guides!
- Cutting down our admin in the office – no head scratching to resend guarantor information or trips to the post office with tenancy agreements. More time to market properties and chat with our tenants.
Maybe you can tell that we’re pretty excited about these changes that are now afoot in the office!
EDIT – so I published this blog on the 15th of November 2017, and sent out 2 tenancies during the same afternoon after successful morning viewings… by this morning, 16th November, we’ve already got 50% of the Guarantor referencing submitted and all initial payments cleared. This would usually have taken us a much longer time period, as well as waiting for the post to deliver and return. To celebrate, I had a large Mocha from Starbucks and a muffin. Today I can focus on marketing and more viewings, without worrying I’m already going to be swamped with paper work this weekend! Yipee! Kerry